Movement Meditation

Our movement meditation will be lead by Alegria with @baila_shaulazul who has been creating soul experiences for more than 10 years. She helps people discover how they truly feel through the expression of movement and dance. It’s not about the form or technicality, the meaning lies in the moment of the movement and how one feels during this form of expression.

An opportunity for:
✨Connecting with your inner dancer
✨Step outside of your routine and take a journey full of love.
✨Understand your body as an important tool for communicating, and recognize how to listen to it.

Where you will:
– Consciously connect with your present.

– Free your past with gratitude.

– And, using self-knowledge, reinforce and increase your self-love.

Get to know yourself, heal and move in order to reinvent yourself as many times as is necessary.

It’s time to embrace your being, your life and your body. Travel with your soul and dance to life.

Items to bring:

⁃ Journal
– Pen

⁃ Water

⁃ And whatever helps you feel cozy

Limited spaces available to allow a more intimate experience. Sliding scale starts at $20. Please RSVP (Payment taken at event.)


Event Dates:

Mondays, July 24th or July 31st

Instructed By:
